Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Jual Guppy Kualitas Import Jambi-Indonesia

Our Stock Now over more 10 strains :
-Albino Super Full Red (300rb/2ekor/pair)* grade A+
-HB Blue (150rb/2ekor/pair)* grade B+

(click kind of fish for more photos - klik nama ikan untuk melihat foto lengkap)

grade B: normal quality of form and dorsal  
grade A: good quality of form and dorsal  
 grade A+: very good quality of form and big dorsal 
price always changing - harga selalu berubah-ubah sesuai stock kami

Promo Guppy Now :DISINI!!

Paket for Pemula  :DISINI!!
Paket Coba - Coba  :DISINI!!
Paket Breeder Kecil  :DISINI!!
Paket Breeder Besar  :DISINI!!
Paket Super Lengkap  :DISINI!!

*FREE ONGKIR, minimal 3 pasang

*harga per pasang di atas sudah net, 

*nego hanya untuk pengambilan di atas 3 pasang...

*harga diatas sudah termasuk garansi pengiriman, 

jdi apabila ikan mati sewaktu pengiriman, akan ane ganti...

tersedia paket lengkap untuk bredder,,,

harga bersahabat!! 

Chat and Contact Us on Whatsapp ( +6289624595090  ) 
atau bbm 5465DF69 
atau kunjung instagram kami @Mr_ikky 
Langsung aja liat ikannya dibawah ya gan..

FaceBook: Jual Guppy Import Siap Kirim Keseluruh INDONESIA

We can shipping to every country in the world, Email / Chat Us!!
email: rikkysuryadi@gmail.com

Bukti Pengiriman : Lihat Disini

Cara Order dan Pemesanan : Lihat Disini

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Albino Super Full Red A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Blue Grass Snake Skin A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Albino Red  Snake Skin  A
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Albino Red  Snake Skin  A
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Albino Platinum Gold A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Platinum Gold A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Yellow Gold Grass Snake Skin A+

copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Blue Sky A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Blue Sky A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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yellow cobra grade A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Red lace grade A
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)

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Blue Grass grade A+

copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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HB White grade A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)

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Albino full red B
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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albino full red B
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Blue Grass Snake Skin A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Platinum Gold grade B
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Blue lace B+

copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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HB Red grade B+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Full Black grade B
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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yellow cobra grade A+
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)
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Platinum Red Cobra grade C

copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)

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Black Fire Snake Skin grade C
copyright photograph by @Mr_ikky (ane sendiri)

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ttd. Rikky Suryadi

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